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Giá từ ₫95

I will setup your borlabs cookie, real cookie banner etc

:đơn hàng chờ xử lý

:Ngày giao hàng

( 0 reviews )
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About This Gig

Get your Wordpress website GDPR compliant with your favourite Consent Tool with or without Google Tag Manager. 


Bitte schreibe mir erst bevor du den Gig buchst, damit wir einen passenden Gig für deine Bedürfnisse erstellen können.


Please contact me before buying the gig and we can arrange a fitting gig for your specific needs.


I will integrate your existing Google Tag Manager Setup with the Borlabs Cookie Consent Tool so every service like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar etc will send data respecting the users choice.



I can support you with the following services: 

  • Borlabs Cookie
  • Real Cookie Banner
  • iubenda


Note: Since Borlabs is a pain to translate, i have to charge 15$ extra for each language i have to set up

Bạn cũng có thể thích

Bạn cũng có thể thích gig này

Giá từ
đ 90.000
Giá từ
đ 100.000
Giá từ
đ 120.000
Giá từ
đ 85.000