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I will investigate an email address

:đơn hàng chờ xử lý

:Ngày giao hàng

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About This Gig


I will manually find or investigate e-mail address of any specific person or business. Usually it's possible to find social media with just their email (without contacting) or vice versa.


A detailed report can include multiple identifiers:

  1. valid (deliverable)
  2. disposable (burner mail)
  3. leaked
  4. DNS/SMTP test
  5. recent abuse
  6. first seen
  7. last seen (mail age)
  8. blacklisted
  9. web mentions
  10. associated social media

... or your custom request.


Also you will be provided with a free consultation about the results and possible further actions.


Sometimes it's possible to find more information (for example, other e-mail address, website or even phone number). Contact me before the order, so I could check first.


The results will be provided in a docx or pdf file formats (on your choice).

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