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I will deploy your cloud server on AWS ec2

:đơn hàng chờ xử lý

:Ngày giao hàng

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About This Gig

Hi Dear Customer,

In this Gig, i will set up and deploy your AWS Cloud Server with best security practices. (Amazon Web Services) AWS offers a wide range of cloud server deployment options for your Enterprise and Web Apps. 

What services do we provide?

1-AWS Lights Sail VPS for Small Business needs
2-Amazon EC2 for more computing power
3-S3 Storage for your storage and backup needs
4-AWS Elastic beanstalk for your Application deployment on the cloud
5-Cloud Server Deployment services on  amazon most used services live EC2,VPC,S3
6-High Available WordPress deployment on AWS cloud

We have great past customer testimonials and we do provide deployment,fix and support services for SMB on AWS cloud server platform :)

Bạn cũng có thể thích

Bạn cũng có thể thích gig này

Giá từ
đ 10.000
Giá từ
đ 10.000
Giá từ
đ 10.000
Giá từ
đ 40.000