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Giá từ ₫890

I will design an illustrated package for your product

:đơn hàng chờ xử lý

:Ngày giao hàng

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About This Gig


We will work alongside you to help you achieve the perfect look and feel for your product, making unique illustrations that will work together with a carefully chosen color palette and typography to create a one-of-a-kind package.

We offer a wide range of styles and techniques that can perfectly suit your product and message. So whether it’s a single product or a product line we’ll make it stand out and be appealing to the final customer.


Please feel free to contact us before purchasing any package and we will gladly assist you with all your questions and requirements. Let’s have a talk!

Bạn cũng có thể thích

Bạn cũng có thể thích gig này

Giá từ
đ 20.000
Giá từ
đ 875000.000